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Docker Deployment

NorFab comes with a set of docker files to get NorFab up and running on the Docker.

Network Automations Fabric Architecture

Broker and workers deployed in docker environment, while clients can run on Windows, Linux or MAC machine connecting to the broker instance.


  1. Docker setup is independent from this guide and assumption is that docker is installed and running
  2. Docker compose utility is available on the docker host
  3. GIT also need to be installed on the docker host


  1. Docker host IP address is and it is accessible by clients on TCP port 5555, docker host IP address of course will be different in your setup, adjust clients inventory.yaml file accordingly.

Broker and Workers Containers Deploymentยค

First, need to clone NorFab repository to the local folder on the docker host:

cd ~/
git clone norfab

To build NorFab docker images we are going to use docker compose utility, it will create broker and nornir service workers containers:

cd norfab/docker
docker compose build

Once build finishes we can start the containers:

docker compose start

After broker reports that it is started and worker shows that it is registered with broker, this is a good indication that things are going ok:

root@dockervm:/home/user/norfab/docker# docker compose up
[+] Running 2/0
 โœ” Container norfab-broker          Created                   0.0s 
 โœ” Container norfab-service-nornir  Created                   0.0s 
Attaching to norfab-broker, norfab-service-nornir
norfab-broker          | 2025-02-02 10:40:20.453 INFO [norfab.core.nfapi:210 ] -- Started broker, broker listening for connections on 'tcp://'
norfab-service-nornir  | 2025-02-02 10:40:21.528 INFO [norfab.core.worker:557 ] -- nornir-worker-1 - registered to broker at 'tcp://', service 'nornir'
norfab-broker          | 2025-02-02 10:40:21.530 INFO [ ] -- NFPBroker - registered new worker nornir-worker-1
norfab-service-nornir  | 2025-02-02 10:40:21.554 INFO [nornir_salt.plugins.inventory.DictInventory:138 ] -- nornir-salt.DictInventory inventory data validated
norfab-service-nornir  | 2025-02-02 10:40:21.566 INFO [norfab.workers.nornir_worker:246 ] -- nornir-worker-1 - Started

Folder norfab/docker/norfab mounted to the containers as a volume under /etc/norfab path and this is the content of inventory.yaml file:

# broker settings
  endpoint: "tcp://"

# workers inventory section
    - nornir/common.yaml  
    - nornir/nornir-worker-1.yaml

# list what entities we want to start on this node
  broker: True
    - nornir-worker-1

Docker compose starts a broker process on norfab-broker container that uses IP address and starts a single Nornir Service worker process named nornir-worker-1 on a norfab-service-nornir container.

File inventory.yaml can be adjusted to configure additional Nornir service workers to make norfab-service-nornir container run as many Nornir Service worker processes as needed.

Before we proceed with setting up the client, need to grab encryption public key value from the broker, run these commands:

docker exec -it norfab-broker bash
cd /etc/norfab/
nfcli --show-broker-shared-key

Running above commands will produce similar to this output:

root@user:/home/user/norfab/docker# docker exec -it norfab-broker bash
root@norfab-broker:/# cd /etc/norfab
root@norfab-broker:/etc/norfab# nfcli --show-broker-shared-key
NorFab broker public key content:

#   ****  Generated on 2025-02-02 09:31:04.387927 by pyzmq  ****
#   ZeroMQ CURVE Public Certificate
#   Exchange securely, or use a secure mechanism to verify the contents
#   of this file after exchange. Store public certificates in your home
#   directory, in the .curve subdirectory.

    public-key = "j{5-J9<Qs:!@CVFsO$)UH>mf%mP<05[#%bBf(ofo"


Key file location: '__norfab__/files/broker/public_keys/broker.key'

Copy above key into NorFab clients and workers 'public_keys/broker.key' file or 
put public-key value into clients and workers inventory.yaml 'broker' section 
under 'shared_key' parameter:

  shared_key: "j{5-J9<Qs:!@CVFsO$)UH>mf%mP<05[#%bBf(ofo"


Public key value NorFab clients will need in this case is:


Client Setupยค

After broker and worker containers are running need to setup a NorFab client, client can run on any machine that can connect to the docker host on its IP address on TCP port 5555.

First, lets install NorFab on the client machine:

pip install norfab[nfcli]

Second, need to create a folder to host NorFab files:

nfcli --create-env norfab-env

Next need to configure broker endpoint pointing to docker host IP ( in this example) and broker encryption key in the norfab-env/inventory.yaml under broker section:

# broker settings
  endpoint: "tcp://"
  shared_key: "j{5-J9<Qs:!@CVFsO$)UH>mf%mP<05[#%bBf(ofo"

All the other inventory.yaml file content can be deleted, folder norfab-env/nornir also can be deleted. Client only need inventory.yaml file with broker endpoint and broker shared key details to successfully connect with the broker.

Lastly, run nfcli client from within norfab-env folder:

cd norfab-env
nfcli -c

NorFan interactive shell should start:

Welcome to NorFab Interactive Shell.

nf#show broker
 status: active
   interval: 2500
   multiplier: 6
 workers count: 1
 services count: 1
   base-dir: /etc/norfab
   private-keys-dir: /etc/norfab/__norfab__/files/broker/private_keys
   public-keys-dir: /etc/norfab/__norfab__/files/broker/public_keys
   broker-private-key-file: /etc/norfab/__norfab__/files/broker/private_keys/broker.key_secret
   broker-public-key-file: /etc/norfab/__norfab__/files/broker/public_keys/broker.key
nf#show workers
 name             service  status  holdtime  keepalives tx/rx  alive (s) 
 nornir-worker-1  nornir   alive   12.6      835 / 835         2104

Successfully running show broker and show workers commands is a good indication that everything works well and you did a great job setting up NorFab in a distributed dockerized fashion ๐Ÿ˜„.

Next steps would be to adjust inventory.yaml file on the docker host to configure Nornir Service workers to manage your environment, for further details on how to do it refer to Nornir Service documentations. Good Luck ๐Ÿคž